Ambient Dominatrix

ATTENTION! I can't return message you if I'm outside your age parameters, even by a year! I have primarily been a spanko top since my teens. I have recently delved deeper into the BDSM scene and enjoy what I'm experiencing. I have recently acquired...

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i am a male seeking female to have a male lead relationship you will be expected to look after the home and be used sexually have my own play room and toys for my pleasure

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I prefer in a vanilla public life with kink in private, but the occassional discreet public play. I prefer a traditional gender roles lifestyle. I would also like to have intelligent conversations with a woman who reads regularly. A romantic or...

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homme souhaitant rencontrer une dame désirant contrôler la sexualité d'un homme, par l'intermédiaire d'une cage de chasteté en détenant les clefs.

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Procuro dominatrix para ser o seu escravo submisso. Gosto de inversão de papéis. Humilhado verbal Humilhação física Humilhação pública Sexo em grupo No mais ,o que a minha dome mandar.

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Tripple vaxxed. Hello, I'm a down to earth man who is open and sensitive to the needs of the woman I am with. I'm looking for a connection and chemistry with an open minded woman. My focus has always been around spanking, bondage play and the whole...

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Kulturan , dzentlmen, trazi zensku osobu sa kojom nishta nije sramota i glupo...

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Cardiff and Carmarthen Experienced Master Don't worry if you don't have experience, as long as you are brave enough, have a sense of adventure. ...and humour. ...then I have the patience and experience The scenario ....You stand in front of the...

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Service oriented disposition. Clean+cook+wash+massage+repair s+builds+handy. Sit+stay+fetch+heel Bathing+fashion+advice. ATTENTION=ATTENTION=ATTENTION TO YOU. Creative and willing to learn. I am happy when you are pleased. YOURSIRVICEPET

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