Car Dominatrix

new to this show me what it's about dress me up

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my dream to have a mistress to serve I’m really honest and serious about it and I’ll be okay wit any kind of relationship

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ATTENTION! I can't return message you if I'm outside your age parameters, even by a year! I have primarily been a spanko top since my teens. I have recently delved deeper into the BDSM scene and enjoy what I'm experiencing. I have recently acquired...

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Generally don't take myself to seriously, but there is nothing more I like to see than a woman bound gagged and struggling away at my handy work. KIcK name MADM0NK just add me

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Experienced Dom looking for a I Sub for role-playing light spanking watersport, toilet training ….restraints bondage etc.. age race or colour unimportant… must be obedient or you may to be punished accordingly! Steve x

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Sziasztok☺️Domina urnővel ismerkednék☺️A többi privatban ☺️

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Easy going guy , hard working and enjoy a multitude of activities

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Soy amo dominante, educado, atractivo, respetuoso y con sentido del humor que busca mujer sumisa con físico normal inteligente y las ideas claras para experimentar una relación amo/sumisa sin ninguna contraprestación económica y absoluta discreción...

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