Latin Dominatrix

ATTENTION! I can't return message you if I'm outside your age parameters, even by a year! I have primarily been a spanko top since my teens. I have recently delved deeper into the BDSM scene and enjoy what I'm experiencing. I have recently acquired...

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Jeg er en mand på 48 år fra Køge, jeg er er rolig og sød mand, som har humor og nem at omgås.

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I am a single male, 51, no SO or kids, years of experience as a Dom, looking for a younger female. I live alone and have a home dungeon. If Interested please PM me.

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New to the lifestyle. Looking for a sub to join me on my journey. Who wants to collared,leashed & clamped

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Tripple vaxxed. Hello, I'm a down to earth man who is open and sensitive to the needs of the woman I am with. I'm looking for a connection and chemistry with an open minded woman. My focus has always been around spanking, bondage play and the whole...

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I am a divorced Dom who is sick of fake online subs who talk a good game but run and hide when things get close to real. I am looking for female submissives who are willing to do more than text about their fantasies. I am willing to take things slow...

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I'm educated, professional, well disciplined and in control of my life. I'm self assured and self sufficient, living a simple life (eschewing ostentation but enjoying the finer things in life). I have a warm, easy going personality.

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