BDSM Dominatrix

A fun-loving man who is naturally dominant and who has a sadistic streak available for the right sub.

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Just be truthful cause its better than a lie

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Smart, fun, witty, and hella tall. Good at back rubs and foot rubs.

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Hello. I live alone and in my own home. I lead a very stress and drama free life. I just need my submissive or slave to make my life complete. I'm very easy going and with no temper at all but strict when called for. I don't smoke or drink or do...

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The ideal person must be a person who can trust and support each other because of mutual trust and the same Levels of understanding of things can make a person's life more interesting and perfect because of the addition of another person. This life...

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im looking for a sub to train to please me im looking for a relationship possibly ltr if we click would like to get to know me message me

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