Jazz Dominatrix

my dream to have a mistress to serve I’m really honest and serious about it and I’ll be okay wit any kind of relationship

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A fun-loving man who is naturally dominant and who has a sadistic streak available for the right sub.

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Fit male looking for submissive women. Someonewho desire bondage, impact play, and rope. Very open to exploring what turns you on.

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Note that if I like your profile in the RapidMatch system that I do not know nor even get to see what message the site sends you Young professional, 20+ years experienced in the lifestyle since my early days exploring and practicing self bondage...

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ATTENTION! I can't return message you if I'm outside your age parameters, even by a year! I have primarily been a spanko top since my teens. I have recently delved deeper into the BDSM scene and enjoy what I'm experiencing. I have recently acquired...

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Curious mostly. I'm not getting any younger so maybe it's time to explore the possibilities.

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The strength of a man you' ve always wanted with the discreet maturity of hand you've been looking for

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I am a single male, 51, no SO or kids, years of experience as a Dom, looking for a younger female. I live alone and have a home dungeon. If Interested please PM me.

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