Oral Sex Dominatrix

Very easy going Drug / Disease free HWP Outgoing I can be reached at the Goog where I am beaVerbLive Hoping to find someone experienced with wearing and using a very large strapon using large and OMG size toys. I want to be used for hours. Slowly...

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I’m a new ish switch who has a bit of a leaning towards dominant tendencies but looking to explore both sides of me but I need someone patient and willing to deal with some of my habits

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Had some experience as both dom and sub. Would like more of each

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Gender fluid guy. Looking for some one I can be myself with. Looking or a relationship. Not looking for online chatting, but a good male femininecharm69 if you want something more.

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Tripple vaxxed. Hello, I'm a down to earth man who is open and sensitive to the needs of the woman I am with. I'm looking for a connection and chemistry with an open minded woman. My focus has always been around spanking, bondage play and the whole...

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Dominant strict but fair and sometimes gentle.Like a lot of rough forced oral &anal and bondage.Paddlings ballgag collar and leash and more.

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I'm looking to get to know someone, that doesn't involve texting.

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