Millionaire Dominatrix

Fit male looking for submissive women. Someonewho desire bondage, impact play, and rope. Very open to exploring what turns you on.

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Note that if I like your profile in the RapidMatch system that I do not know nor even get to see what message the site sends you Young professional, 20+ years experienced in the lifestyle since my early days exploring and practicing self bondage...

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My profile may sound intense but I am open to training new comers and willing to train or play with select submissives. hello to all, I am an intelligent, intellectual and very confident Dominant male, living in Va and I am 5'11" in height and weigh...

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I am a single male, 51, no SO or kids, years of experience as a Dom, looking for a younger female. I live alone and have a home dungeon. If Interested please PM me.

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I am an older experienced gentleman Dom. Imaginative, intelligent and good looking, I'm told. 8 jackdaws without the space (and kick without the c)

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Athletic Black Dom seeks a white female Sub, to train and spank, and discipline as needed.

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Looking to explore my submissive side. Novice. Looking for a gentle mistress.

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Looking for a REAL SUB, tired of wasting time with the fakes who like the idea but when reality comes knocking, they run away, NO 50 shades of fakes. I am the real deal. A sensual sadist. I will give you everything you desire in this lifestyle...

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