Dance Dominatrix

ATTENTION! I can't return message you if I'm outside your age parameters, even by a year! I have primarily been a spanko top since my teens. I have recently delved deeper into the BDSM scene and enjoy what I'm experiencing. I have recently acquired...

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Generally don't take myself to seriously, but there is nothing more I like to see than a woman bound gagged and struggling away at my handy work. KIcK name MADM0NK just add me

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Jeg er en mand på 48 år fra Køge, jeg er er rolig og sød mand, som har humor og nem at omgås.

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My profile may sound intense but I am open to training new comers and willing to train or play with select submissives. hello to all, I am an intelligent, intellectual and very confident Dominant male, living in Va and I am 5'11" in height and weigh...

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New to the scene but eager to learn. i'm a service oriented submissive, so Your kinks are mine. Eager to learn about You! What makes You tick? What turns You on? Let's get to know each other!

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I am an older experienced gentleman Dom. Imaginative, intelligent and good looking, I'm told. 8 jackdaws without the space (and kick without the c)

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New to the lifestyle. Looking for a sub to join me on my journey. Who wants to collared,leashed & clamped

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Gender fluid guy. Looking for some one I can be myself with. Looking or a relationship. Not looking for online chatting, but a good male femininecharm69 if you want something more.

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